Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Why Should I Buy the New Nokia / WP7 Phones?

I just saw the announcement on the new Nokia Windows Phone 7 phones.  Unfortunately the Nokia site doesn't explain to me why I should buy these phones instead of an iPhone or an Android phone.  Given how much market share iOS and Android have, Nokia needs to sell the benefits of their new phones.  I see a fair bit of information on the Nokia site about HTML 5, IE 9, fast internet connections, staying connected with friends, etc, etc.  Consumers want to be excited by a vision. That has what Apple has done so well.  It is going to take a lot more than technical specs and high level marketing statements to get people to buy a Nokia Windows Phone 7 device instead of an iPhone / Android phone.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

More Background on the LifePics Photo Ecosystem

Internet Retailer did a nice article on the LifePics photo ordering ecosystem.  As the article says, our goal was to have an order button everywhere that photos exist on the Net. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Building a Mobile Photo Ordering Ecosystem

I recently presented at Mobile Commerce Forum on how we built an ecosystem for allowing partners to send us photo orders.  The stats are showing that consumers only actively use a handful of apps.  If that trend remains (which is likely) retailers will find it increasingly difficult to convince consumers to use their apps.  These retailers instead will need to adopt strategies that allow consumers to send them orders from inside other apps, much like the affiliate programs of many years ago.

View my presentation on building a mobile photo ordering ecosystem.