Friday, March 23, 2012

Automating Google Analytics Reports

If you followed my advice in my last post, you now have your web site traffic segmented perfectly in Google Analytics using custom segments.  While this gives you tremendous insight into where your customers are coming from, it can take some work to spit out meaningful reports each week.  While Google does have built-in reporting tools, you can only look at a few segments at once and frankly, the output of the reports can be a bit limited.

My preferred approach for analyzing Google Analytics data is to use the tool that so many office workers rely on every day - Excel.  Excellent Analytics offers an excellent tool for pulling Google Analytics data into Excel, and last time I checked, it was free.  What I will show you how to do is to use Excellent Analytics to build a spreadsheet that automatically pulls your weekly Google Analytics customer traffic data by segment into Excel.

The first step is to install Excellent Analytics.  I won't cover that here as the software provides instructions for that - it is a plug-in for Excel so it is pretty straightforward. Once you get it installed, you should see an extra tab in Excel like this.  Note the extra tab called "Excellent Analytics" on the right.

Next you will click on New Query and you will need to sign in with your Google Analytics account information.  You now can pick the metric you want to report on.  Let's pick "visits"...

Now pick the segment you want to report on.  Use the custom segments that we set up last week.  You will have one query for each segment...

Finally pick the start and end dates. When you are ready, hit the execute button.  This will bring the data back into Excel.  You basically will repeat this process for each segment you want to track.  You can summarize the data in a table or in a chart.  Each time you need to refresh the data, just hit "update query" for each segment, change the start and end dates if you like, and hit execute.  You will almost instantly have a powerful chart showing where your traffic is coming from that you can show to your management.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

If You Are Not Using Custom Segments , You Are Not Really Using Google Analytics

So you use Google Analytics but you don't use custom segments.  Guess what, you aren't really using Google Analytics, at least not with any level of proficiency.  Let's explore why custom segments in Google Analytics are so critical.

Let's take two statements that I often hear from web site owners that best demonstrate the value of custom segments.  The first comment is, "My traffic is down (up), but I don't really know why."  If the person has some knowledge of Google Analytics, they know to click on the Traffic Sources menu option and drill down on each of the main sources that Google defines: Direct, Referrals, and Search.  Hopefully they also know how to set the date range so they can compare the traffic year over year.  However, the problem is that those three giant buckets don't really break the traffic into granular enough buckets to understand what is happening.  I like to look at traffic from these buckets:
  • Direct - new visitor
  • Direct - returning visitor
  • Referral - other domains owned by my company
  • Referral - other sites
  • Email
  • Paid search - branded
  • Paid search - non branded
  • Organic search - branded
  • Organic search - non branded
While this list may need a little adjustment for a given business, it usually is pretty close.  As you probably noticed, there are a couple things I have done in this list. First, I broke the direct traffic into new visitors and return visitors.  Offline marketing campaigns (e.g., direct mail) will generally show up in the direct new visitors bucket.  Second, I have broken out traffic from any other sites that my company owns.  Often a company might have multiple domains that are not all under one Google Analytics account.  For example, they might have a marketing site, an external blog, and a e-commerce site.  If you are looking at traffic on the e-commerce site, you want to know how much is coming from the marketing site and the blog.  The third thing I have done is break out email as a traffic source.  Email is such a critical communication tool that it is key to have it stand on its own.  Lastly, I have broken out branded search under both paid and organic search.  If you don't know if people are finding you for your brand or for generic search terms, it is almost impossible to understand how search is doing.

Let's get these buckets set up in Google Analytics.  If you want, you can access much of this data from the standard traffic sources that Google provides if you know how to do it.  For example, to measure direct traffic - new visitors, you can go to Traffic Sources -> Direct and then click on Secondary Dimension and add Visitor Type and then click on the Advanced filter feature to filter Visitor Type = New Visitors.  However, there are quite a few steps here, and it is easy to mess something up if you are doing this all the time.

The better option is to use custom segments!  Click on the Advanced Segments button toward the upper left corner of the screen and then +New Custom Segment.  You now can define the criteria for this segment so you can use it over and over.  For this example we set Visitor Type = Returning Visitor and Source = (direct).  The sky is the limit for how you can you segment your customers with this functionality - you can create a canned segment for almost anything you can dream up.

Most of the segments are fairly straightforward to set up but there are a few things to note.  When you are setting up the non branded search segments, you will want to make sure you don't include your brand and any common mis-spellings of your brand name.  You will want to look at the keywords that people are using to find you (Traffic Sources -> Search - > Keyword).  The one bucket that requires a little work to set up is Email.  If you have been tagging all your outbound emails with Google tracking code and setting Medium = Email, you are in great shape because you can just set up the segment to filter on Medium = Email. If you don't know what I am talking about, take a look at this article on email tracking.  However, if you are like most people, you probably forgot to tag a few emails.  Ok, maybe you missed a lot of emails. The best thing to do at this point is to pick up people who are reading email via a web mail client.  To do that, I add an "or" clause to the segment and tell it to include visitors where Source includes "mail."

Now that you have set up custom segments, let me return to the second business question that segments help you answer.  Web site owners will often say, "My conversion is up (down)!."  That statement by itself is basically meaningless.  Conversion rates by segment vary tremendously.  Customers who are coming in on organic branded search have a very different conversion rate than folks who are coming in on non branded paid search terms.  As such, blending everything together is really meaningless because conversion might be up because you got a lot more traffic from organic branded terms and far less from non branded paid search.  When you are looking at conversion rates, you need to always drill down and look at it on a segment by segment basis.  That is where custom segments are key.

Go set up those custom segments today so you can really understand what is happening with your business!  Next week I will show you a great way to automate the analysis of segment data.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

SEO - Get Started with 5 Quick Tips that Can Have a Big Impact

A couple times a week I get requests from people asking for help with SEO, search engine optimization. These are mostly small businesses who don't have the resources to hire a SEO consultant but know they need to take search seriously. They have good reason to think search is important.  I have seen companies get the equivalent of millions of dollars of free advertising because they were highly optimized for search.  Here are a couple quick things that someone can do to make an impact on their SEO rankings:

  • Fix mistakes on your website. I like to start by fixing any mistakes on the website that could be dragging down the search results.  You would be amazed how many sites have links that go nowhere.  Another frequent crime is moving pages around on your web site without adding the necessary code to point people to where the pages now live.  I have seen sites that had tens of thousands of external sites pointing to pages that no longer exist.  Not only do these changes kill your search rankings, but they also frustrate customers and make you look bad. This is why I like to start here.  Ask your webmaster to set up Google's free and very powerful Webmaster Tools.  This is about a 5 minute exercise.  Once that is done, go into Webmaster Tools and look for the menu option for Crawl Errors.  That will tell you what pages are missing and who is linking to them.  You then can work with your webmaster to resolve the issues.
  • Check the title.  When Google looks at your site to determine what each page is about, arguably the most important thing is the title tag.  One easy way to see the title tag for each page is to look at the tab names in your browser.  Most browsers will use the title tag as the name for that tab.  See screenshot below.  The key is for each page to have a good description of what the page is about.  You would be amazed how many companies just have their company name as the title tag on each page - you are basically telling Google nothing meaningful about that page.  The descriptions should be short (just a couple words) and should be the types of things your customers would be searching on.  Again, your webmaster can help you change these.
Title Tag Displayed in Tab Window
title tag displayed in browser window

  • Check your H1's.  One of the other most critical things Google looks for on your pages is your H1 tag and to a lesser extent your H2's and H3's.  I like to think of the H1, H2, and H3 tags as the web's version of an outline.  These blocks of text show up on the page and describe how the page is going to flow.  Ideally the H1 describes the main point of the page, the H2 describes the main sub-sections of the page, and so on.  I would focus on your H1's as those are most import.  Go to a given page and right click on your browser and say View Page Source.  Now use the Find feature to look for "h1."  You will see something like this <h1>Some Text Here</h1>.  You will want to go back to the actual page and see where this text shows up.  Make sure the H1 is a good description of the page and again ties to what customers might be searching for.
  • Competitive research.  Is there a company in your industry who you think does search well?  If so, you can quickly leverage the work they have done.  I really like to use a tool called SEMRush.  They allow you to punch in a site and see 1) the value of the free traffic they are getting (they call it SE traffic price) and 2) what keywords were most valuable.  (SEMRush gives you a little information for free and a whole lot more if you pay for their service.)  If you see some keywords that are driving a lot of people to this other company in your industry, consider using the keywords in your title tags and H1's.
  • Get others to link to you. One of the key things Google looks at when it ranks your site is how many other sites link to you.  Google's original design was based on the belief that if a lot of sites link to you, you must be an "expert" in this particular subject so they should rank you high in the search results.  Think about any partners, blogs, customers, news sites, etc who should be linking to you.  Make sure all your press releases have links back to you.  The best links from external sites link to pages other than your home page and use descriptive language in the link.  For example, if you make surfboards and you have someone reviewing a specific surfboard, the link should look more like this "great XYZ surfboards" not "click here" and it should go to your XYZ surfboards page, not your homepage.

While these tips just scratch the surface when it comes to SEO, you might be surprised how much you can get done in a short period of time.  I have seen companies invest just 5 to 10 hours in the tips above and then seen their search results increase by 2, 3 or even 10x.  It is a great place to start and for many companies, the key to SEO is just getting started.